First steps..

Sitting in an OAMK classroom on the first day of our orientation to the teacher’s studies and listening to my new tutor talking about the jungle of pedagogical concepts I couldn’t stop but thinking that God has finally answered my mother’s consistent prayers :”Regina, go into teaching! Please, go into teaching!”. The other recurrent thought in my head in OAMK classroom was that… its true what they say “never say never”, which was what I always told my mother dearest in response to her pleas of me considering school as my career path. We truly can never say never, because of one crucial and inevitable thing – change. Everything changes, but most importantly we do. And when we fearlessly open our minds to the new and the unknown that change brings , the life we initially set out to get might become the life we have always been cut out to have. And for me it turned out to be the life of a teacher, in Finland , the place where I finally got the taste of what teaching is and where I’m resolute to build my path to become a professional one.
Speaking about fearless. The first two days in OAMK didn’t bring me this cosy fuzzy feeling that the path ahead will be fear and anxiety free. Listening to the tutors talking about a completely unknown to me method of learning and studying – competence based – did put some worries and fears into me. Coming from an educational system and background where everything is learned through lectures and cramming by heart, with little analysis and freedom of thought on any matter, the idea of a completely unknown academic approach with gaining competence by teaching others with the lessons you prepare yourself in the area you are not such a huge expert… the responsibility you are undertaking by designing the learning experience for others, rather motivated and intelligent students.. many of whom are doctors.. Not completely scary, but slightly terrifying.
The feeling of intimidation and uncertainty of the upcoming experience was definitely subdued by the human factor. The group is full of interesting and friendly people, with vast experiences from all over the world. It will certainly be enriching and enjoyable to learn with and from them. We both have the same path to go along for the next year and its nice to be taking the first steps in a good company. Destination –>professional teacher. No turning back. Off we go!

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